Monday 6 July 2015


When I look at the 6 colour schemes for the Stormcast Eternals my head swims with the potential of these models and the conversion possibilities. It really is inspiring stuff.

I'm going to have to adjust my painting methods as I'm used to painting tanks and armour because I really don't like shading and highlighting and I much prefer just adding battle damage and weathering instead. Anyway, I've narrowed my choices down to either the Hallowed Knights, the Celestial Vindicators or the Astral Templars.

The Hallowed Knights remind me of the Astral Claws colour scheme during the Badab War and I like the background which says their bodies are scarred. I can imagine some of these models without helms showing their scarred faces. Could be fun.

I also like the Celestial Vindicators solely for their turquoise colour scheme which would really stand out on the tabletop. From past experience I know that orange rusting techniques also look great on any turquoise armour due to the high contrast.

However, my favourite option at the moment is the Astral Templars. Burgundy wouldn't be my first choice for a Stormcast Eternal colour scheme but they have so much conversion potential it's hard to resist. Their description reads "Only the Astral Templars have entered the Gnarlwood and returned victorious. They are the Scourge of Monsters and the Hammer of Beasts". Although they have survived the Gnarlwood (which I imagine to be a dangerous, forest realm) I'm sure they would have been changed by it. Perhaps their armour has been mutated with twisting branches jutting out at awkward angles. Their legs could be wrapped in vines or they may have thorns on their helms. I also like the idea that they are the slayers of monsters and beasts so I could add a few trophies and heads to their belts too.

I still need to decide how to build and paint the model's bases as any shape and size works in the Age of Sigmar. Perhaps a woodland base would be fitting.

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