Friday 10 July 2015


Date:Fri, 10 Jul, 2015 at 23:30

I'm almost certain that Age of Sigmar is aimed at children in order to get new generation into the hobby. I've never known a tabletop wargame with such simple rules but to be honest that's the main attraction for me. I've always found rules to be the most difficult part of the hobby and a 4 page rulebook is so appealing. It is a shame that they've scrapped all the old Warhammer lore as I've read some incredible novels set in the old world. However, it's also quite exciting to be right at the start of a new system. It seems like the Stormcast Eternals are the space marine equivalents and so far there are only 6 chapters / factions. I really like this limited choice compared to the countless space marine chapters in 40K as I always found it a headache choosing a new chapter.

Some of the rules are very stupid. There's one that allows re-rolls if you pretend to ride a horse and one that gives bonuses to the player with the largest moustache! A spokesman for games workshop has said that none of these silly rules will be included in any of the new factions which is a relief. I personally believe that if Age of Sigmar is a success then 40K will get the same treatment.

I'm certainly hoping that Leon will be able to play Age of Sigmar when I've built all the models. I was nine when I started this hobby and although Leon is only six he's twice as intelligent as I was as a child!

I undercoated and basecoated my model today using an airbrush. The whole process was really quick and the finish is very smooth. I'm hoping to use some quick painting methods to get them built quickly before I lose my motivation. Even if they only get a basecoat I'll be happy to play with them.

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Date:Fri, 10 Jul, 2015 at 13:16

I read a bit about Age of Sigmar this morning over breakfast. The boxed set does seem like a good deal if you want the models, but I'm not sure about the game - it seems far too simple, good for kids but unlikely to be satisfying for adults. Some of the rules seem totally stupid like getting bonuses for howling like a beast an or holding an expression like a haughty elf. It also seems a shame to throw away all the history of the Warhammer world. I can see why they've done it as the lore is getting somewhat impenetrable, but it doesn't seem necessary. I wonder how long before they reboot the 40k universe too...  Do you think Leon might play it with you?

I can imagine it's difficult to explain characters as either good or bad - especially in comics where a lot changes depending on the storyline and writer. I remember my brother defending Batman saying that he doesn't kill people, but I think there's a lot more to acting morally and being a hero than just not killing people.

On 9 Jul 2015, at 21:01, WILLIAM CALWELL wrote:

Hi Dave. Amanda's feeling better now and she's back at work but unfortunately she's been doing long shifts which hasn't helped her to recover. Also, I haven't watched any of the films you lent me yet. I'm hoping to watch the justice league film with Leon one night as I think he'll enjoy seeing good heroes swapped for evil heroes. Whenever he sees any characters from Marvel or DC he always wants to know if they're good or bad. I've tried explaining that it's not always that simple as allegiances can change and sometimes characters like wolverine still kill people even though they're on the good side. It's a minefield!

I'm planning on buying the Age of Sigmar starter set on Saturday as Harlequins are selling it for £60. That's a load of models for a great price. The game looks really simple and fun and I like the way that the rules and profiles are all free. I also like the fact that there's no points system and it's all about having a good game rather than winning. I've attached a picture of the model that came with the last issue of white dwarf. I'm planning on undercoating him tomorrow and giving him a basecoat of dark red.

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