Sunday 5 July 2015


It's finally here. This is the wargame I've been waiting for since I started collecting little soldiers in 1990. Age of Sigmar is the game I've always wanted and I really couldn't be happier that it's now here.

I've played so many wargames in my life including Warhammer 40,000, Lord of the Rings, Mordheim, Malifaux, X-Wing, 7TV, 7th Voyage and countless others. There was always something about those games that I was never quite happy with such as rules that were too complex, a weak theme or just a complete lack of fun. All that has changed though with the Age of Sigmar.

I bought the latest copy of White Dwarf yesterday which goes into great detail about the Age of Sigmar and comes with a free Stormcast Eternal model. I could be wrong but I think it's been about 15 years since the last free model came with White Dwarf so this is a big deal and shows that perhaps Games Workshop are changing back into the company they used to be.

It seems to me that Age of Sigmar has a really strong theme and the Stormcast Eternals and just so cool. They remind me a great deal of space marines and I think most new players will be collecting them. I don't see this as a problem though as most 40K players have at least one space marine army.

I'm not going to discuss the rules in this post as that's something I'm planning on doing in the future. All I will say is that I like the rules and if I was playing against any of the reasonable and sensible people in my gaming goup then I know we won't have any problems interpreting the rules and keeping things fair.

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